Take on Day AND Night with Dixie Gummies

Dixie’s Synergy line has products to help you get through both the day and the night!

Dreamberry: Sweet dreams are made from this. With a special blend of cannabinoids, terpenes, and melatonin – Sleepberry helps you naturally fall asleep and stay asleep longer. Each delicious gummy contains 10mg CBN, 5mg CBD, 5mg THC, and 2mg Melatonin so you can say goodbye to counting sheep and dream the night away.
Berry Focus: When it’s kind of a big deal, get Berry Focused. With an elderberry citrus flavor, this gummy is here to help tune out the distractions and get your mind in the zone. Every delicious gummy contains a curated blend of terpenes with 10mg CBG, 5mg CBD, and 5mg THC so you can stay on task and focus on what’s important.


Feed Your Monster with these gummies from Nature’s Key!


The Remedy You’ve Been Looking For